Mr TEHAN (Wannon) (09:36): Foot and mouth disease is still an enormous risk to Australian agriculture—a risk that could impact our economy by $80 billion.
In May, my constituents were so concerned with the protocols that were in place, and the lack of transparency on how the timelines would be dealt with to make sure proper security was being put in place to ensure FMD doesn't come to Australia, that they held a rally in Colac and started a petition.
There are hundreds of signatures in this petition that I wish to table today.
More than that, we also wrote to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Murray Watt, outlining our concerns and the need for transparency around the action that the government should be taking. Sadly, we are yet to see a response to that letter.
With this lack of transparency of the action that's being put in place here in Australia and in Indonesia, my farmers remain very concerned.
That's why I'm seeking leave today to table this petition and to once again express our concern with the lack of transparency around what's being done for FMD—especially now that we're hearing reports from the ABC that the Prime Minister's chief agriculture advisor believes the farming of animals is cruel.
We need a response from the government, and I seek leave to table this petition.
LEAVE granted.