"The project will resurface netball courts and upgrade the drainage system. This will improve drainage and provide an all-weather playing surface that is safe and appealing for communityuse." Funding Source […]
The project will landscape the garden at the Camperdown Heritage Centre. This will create native garden with safe paths, comfortable seating and a shaded area for visitors. Funding Source | […]
Install a new memorial at the Terang RSL Hall to commemorate those who paid the supreme sacrifice while serving in D Company 2nd Battalion Royal Australian Regiment/ ANZAC Battalion during […]
The project will deliver a reimagined activity that has been developed in response to COVID-19 restrictions., The project will deliver increased economic activity for the arts and entertainment sector and […]
Sporting and recreation facilitiesWorks to upgrade facility changerooms to provide for female participation Funding Source | Australian Government :$365,000
Improved Accessibility of Community Facilities and Areas Works to improve long vehicle parking, pedestrian pathways, upgrade business vehiclecrossings, seating. Funding Source | Australian Government :$520000