5 New Home Care Places - The Aged Care Approvals Round (ACAR) is a competitive application process that enables prospective and existing approved providers of aged care to apply for […]
17 Residential Places - The Aged Care Approvals Round (ACAR) is a competitive application process that enables prospective and existing approved providers of aged care to apply for a range […]
"The funding is under the Commonwealth Government's AccessibleCommunities initiative to improve the accessibility of local buildings and other public spaces for people with disability" Funding Source | Australian :$66500
The Portland SLSC is undergoing a process of upskilling their members to obtain higher skill and qualifications to support the club training and assessment program. We are looking at running […]
Assist in purchase of printer for the monthly Newsletter to approximately 290 residences in Narrawong and Tyrendarra districts. Local newsletter back into production in 2018, using old borrowed printers. Newsletter […]
The project will purchase a recycling trailer. This will assist with reducing landfill and assist with raising funds to construct a men's shed. Funding Source | Australian Government :$2500
Re-landscape the area surrounding the Merino war memorial, consisting of removal of overgrown plants, construction of wooden garden beds and planting of roses. Funding Source | Australian Government :$4800
Commission a new Honour Board and plaque dedicated to locals who served in the Second World War and enhance the memorabilia display at the Bahgallah Memorial Hall. Funding Source | […]
Living Laneways is a project to transform a Portland laneway with new works by local artists, testing the space for a more permanent and constantly rotating public art initiative. Funding […]