I rise this afternoon to commend two local families from southwest Victoria, the Barkla and McConnell families, who have set up an organisation called We've Got You.
I rise to talk on this motion, which commends all those who have helped and supported during the recent flooding and also, I think, needs to call on governments, local, state and federal, to ensure that they provide the much-needed support to local communities for their recover.
I rise today to speak on behalf of my electorate and regional and rural Australia, because what we are seeing and reading about is the predictable way, sadly, that Labor governs.
But there is one thing which continues to hold Port Fairy back, and that is the taste of its water. Locals know that it needs improving, and tourists who go there, sadly, find out that it needs improving.
It is a great honour to be able to stand in this House and pay my respects and the respects of my electorate, the electorate of Wannon, to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
I regularly host community catchups, mobile offices and forums which provide you with an opportunity to meet with me and discuss the matters that are important to you in your local community.
I rise to speak in support of this motion because communities right across regional and rural Australia are deeply, deeply concerned about the possibility of a foot-and-mouth disease outbreak and the devastating impact that it would have in communities right across regional and rural Australia.