Health Charity Run Sets Off from Adelaide

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A charity relay to raise awareness and money for Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD) will start today from historic Adelaide Oval, then cover more than 900 kilometres and finish in historic Terang.

Run4CJD is raising awareness and money for this rare and serious disease that causes the brain to degenerate, leading to dementia and death. Every year, about 50 people in Australia die from
CJD. Currently, there is no cure.

All the runners taking part in the Run for CJD have a personal connection to the disease.

Member for Wannon Dan Tehan is part of the Run4CJD team and running in honour of his mother and aunt.

“My mum Marie passed away from CJD in 2004 and my aunt Helen Arthur in 1984. At the time, we didn’t know much about CJD and we felt very alone,” Mr Tehan said.

“Our hope is this charity run will help raise much needed awareness and funding for CJD.

“I want people to know they are not alone, and I want to help raise money for research that leads to a cure.

“If you want to support our effort, you can donate via our donation page at the CJD Support Group Network webpage to raise much-needed funds to help with research and assist in clinical trials.”

Shadow Health and Aged Care Minister Anne Ruston commended Dan and all of the runners taking part in Run4CJD for their incredible commitment to raising important funds and awareness.

“We know that patients battling rare diseases like CJD often face inequitable access to diagnostics and treatments, which makes greater research into these diseases absolutely critical,” Shadow Minister Ruston said.

“I have no doubt that the funding raised through Run4CJD will make a difference by strengthening research efforts and increasing the support and understanding out there for patients.

“I’m looking forward to cheering on Dan as he sets off from the Adelaide Oval on this marathon 900 kilometre run.”

CJD Support Group Network director Suzanne Solvyns said her charity had provided $1.8 million to support research projects, provide scholarships, and fund equipment to improve diagnostic testing of CJD.

"Every day we are learning more about CJD and other forms of prion disease," Ms Solvyns said.

"The money raised by last year's Run4CJD helped fund year one of a longitudinal study that will help us to identify early signs of disease so that treatments currently being developed can be successful.

"The money raised this year will help fund years three and four.

"I'm glad I'm not running 900 kilometres but I am glad there are people who are willing to give it a go in the name of CJD and prion disease awareness. Please support fundraising for a muchneeded treatment or cure."

The group will leave Adelaide on Saturday and will arrive in Terang on Friday, passing through Blanchetown, Renmark, Mildura, Hopetoun, Horsham, and Hamilton covering more than 900 kilometres enroute.

To make a donation toward Run4CJD, click this link https://www.cjdsupport.org.au/run-4-cjd2024

Media contact | Sandie Gustus 0408 564 232
By Dan Tehan
October 12, 2024
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